Friday, February 16, 2007

Bam Bam Sucks

Counter-recruitment or counter-patriotism? - Opinions

It's easy to take pot-shots at the anti war Left, Bam Bam. If you're so fucking great, sign up and serve.

SIUC to turn green early - Campus

SIUC to turn green early - Campus

Great! Cochrane's Daddy would be proud.

Champaign proposes Unofficial legislation - News

Champaign proposes Unofficial legislation - News

The entire event should be outlawed. The sole purpose is to encourage binge drinking to fill Cochrane's pockets with student money. Meanwhile, taxpayers foot the bill for increased security and wasted staff hours. Cochrane should be voted off our island.

The Bar Baron of Champaign County - Around Town

The Bar Baron of Champaign County - Around Town

Poor Scott. He may run himself into the ground trying to ply underage kids with alcohol. I take heart in the fact that he isn't trying to make money. The poor lass is only trying to emulate his late father. With that in mind, let's all go get wasted on 3/2/07. The cost to taxpayers is a small price to pay in remembrance.